Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hanging out in my Camo

Hanging out with dad

Owen loves to ride on the lawn mower

Hanging out with Friends

Thanks for the fun night Riley and Wyatt

The Hat

Our new facination after we started walking was putting on hats and taking them off and we still enjoy doing this all the time.

Our First Dog Treat

We give the neighbors dogs Scrappy and Cabo treats well owen decided he did not want to share the treat one day with the dogs

Up north for the Weekend

We went up north on November 7th and had fun playing in the leaves.


It was so much fun to get Owen & Mason all dressed up and take them trick or treating. Owen had a lot of fun!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Crazy Poser

Owen now poses for pictures it is so cute!!!!

Our Newest Member

Mason Paul was born on September 7, 2009 9lbs 15 ozs 21 inches. To big for my body mom was beat up pretty bad and so was mason. Thank god our stay at the hospital was short we will take 3 days in the nicu instead of 3 1/2 months any day but it was still long and frustrating but glad it is over. We are all home and healthy.

Crazy past two months

I am way behind on my posts but here are some good pics of owen while i was on bed rest.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Spiked look

Owen and the Spiked do!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pool Baby

Can't get him out of the pool most days Loves the water.

Our Stunt Double

He is very Daring in everyway. He will do this but he won't walk Imagine that..

Monday, June 8, 2009

Berrries for Breakfast

I Like Berries Alot! It was Messier than Spaghetti

Easter bunny Owen

Had to put the ears on for our special day!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My New Favorite Toy

I think i am finally caught up on owen's blog

Snuggling with dad


New discovery

I figured out how to get threw the Cat door to the back room in our basement. I love to follow the cats and dad back there.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Owen Learned how to clap YEAH!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hi Everyone! We haven't posted in a while just thought i would send new pics of Owen. He has 4 teeth now two on top and two on the bottom and he is just starting to walk along furniture so it won't be long and he will be running all over the house. Gosh I guess i need to take some new pictures of owen i will get on that in my spare time. Hopefully this weekend we will have new pics.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Opps they did it Again!

Yep it is true we are expecting # 3 Owen will be a big brother by the end of September!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Owen's first Birthday

no he did not get to eat the cupcake. We will be having his b-day party this summer and he will be able to have lots of cake and ice cream. So stay tuned for messy pictures with cake

I fell in and i can't get out!

My first time discovering that i can stand by my toy box and i fell in.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I just started to crawl and i am already pretty darn good at it. This is a Video of my first time Crawling hope you enjoy.


I have two teeth in now. I just got them in on January 13, and the 19th. I won't let mom get a picture of my teeth to show you all but, here is a fun picture trying.

Girlfriend Lily

This is my girlfriend Lily she is only 5 days older than me. This was on our play date in january my mom is just behind.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Favorite Toy

we don't need to buy toys he likes everything else

Christmas With Santa

Here is our picture with santa! Hope you enjoy!